David Redfern - Consultant Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon

Mr Redfern, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, looks after patients from all over the world with a wide variety of foot and ankle conditions. Internationally renowned for his minimally invasive techniques, Mr Redfern’s practice is dedicated to helping patients resolve their foot and ankle problems with a minimum of intervention.

“The home of minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery and the MICA technique for correcting bunions”

Mr Redfern is the inventor of the MICA technique (Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin) for correcting bunions using keyhole surgery which he developed with a French colleague. This technique has been adopted by surgeons worldwide along with other pioneering minimally invasive techniques he has developed.

Mr Redfern has performed thousands of minimally invasive foot and ankle operations in over a decade of experience in treating patients with these techniques.

Any surgeon in the UK offering the MICA technique must have trained under Mr Redfern, his French co-inventor, or surgeons previously trained by them. Mr Redfern was first to introduce these techniques to Northern Europe as well as Australia and more recently the USA.

Almost all surgeons practicing percutaneous surgery in the UK (and hundreds of surgeons worldwide) have been through one of Mr Redfern’s training courses to learn his techniques.

Mr Redfern sees patients in several clinics located between London and Brighton.

To find out more or to enquire about a specific treatment please contact any of the following:

Cleveland Clinic London

020 3423 7500

Cleveland Clinic Portland Place Outpatient Centre

24 Portland Place
London, W1B 1LU

Sussex Foot & Ankle Centre

01273 828115

The Montefiore Hospital,

2 Montefiore Road, Hove, BN3 1RD